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Studio 6d6 was founded in 2014 by Andy "Cosmo Joe" Watkins to make creative, artistic products for the hobby game industry.
Andy and his crew are all hard-core gamers who live to create great products for gamers.
If you would like to visit Studio 6d6, please give us a call or send us an email.
Andy "Cosmo-Joe" Watkins quit his job in 2008 to pursue a different kind of life. He began painting pictures on the street corner in Madison Wisconsin. He soon gained attention for his "unique style" (Fox Cites Magazine) and has been described as "mesmerizing" (New York Times Online).
Cosmo may be best known for his artwork, but in the hobby gaming industry Cosmo is known for founding Studio 6d6 and creating the role playing game RPEX.
Our Crew!
The Studio 6d6 Crew LOVES running RPEX!
Every crew member that you meet is paid a small stipend, but they are really there because they love it!
All of our GMs (gamemasters) are fully trained in the arts of GMing.They each take an 8-week course, and take a final exam before they shadow a master GM for a while.
Once one of our master GMs thinks they are ready they start running games for you!
Studio 6d6 was founded in 2014 by Andy "Cosmo Joe" Watkins to make creative, artistic products for the hobby game industry.
Andy and his crew are all hard-core gamers who live to create great products for gamers.
If you would like to visit Studio 6d6 please give us a call or send us an email.
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